The rise of condominiums over the last decade is one obvious change not only in the Metro but even in developing cities in the country. According to The Philippine Daily Inquirer in February 2018, Colliers International Philippines reported that, “Take-up of pre-selling condominium units throughout Metro Manila, including fringe locations is 24% higher than 2017 and the highest historically for the country’s capital.”
Gone are the days of limiting disposition on why condo living is the next best option for millennials and the modern Filipino family. In fact, the same report states that household formation averaged 3 percent annually in the last five years driven by starting families and young professionals.
Here are some facts on why condo living may be beneficial for you and your family.
1. Convenience of Condo Living
Condominiums are strategically located to anywhere – metro rail, mall, church, school, hospitals, and as much close to highly industrial area. As parents, you are empowered to choose a location near your office, the kid’s school or the metro for easy commute. It makes life so much easier that groceries are a walking distance, laundry shops can be in the same building, or grab midnight snacks literally downstairs.
2. Cultivates quality family life
Fact is, one of the top reason an individual or the head of the family chooses to live in a condo, is its proximity to his or her work place. Eventually, you (as well as your children’s) build your day to day life with that, choosing schools and activities for you and the kids very close by. With the worsening of traffic conditions in the metro, living near your work place cuts travel time to and from work. This extra time now can be allocated to spending more time at home, with family than on the road. Imagine, 2-3 hours extra time for family on a week night? You can now finally read that new book to your kids or work with them on with their assignments, have in-house date night with your spouse, and add more hours to your sleep for a restful evening.
3. Close security systems in place.
State of the art security cameras, roving guards, constant concierge supervision—peace of mind is something no one can put a tag price on. Leading developers of condominiums also ensures to meet building and safety requirements i.e. fire alarms, extinguishers, sprinklers, earthquake resistant foundations to name a few, all in compliance with the government requirements.
4. Child-friendly amenities and healthy community life
Got kids? Don’t you want them to explore to the outside world by playing in the park with other kids, swimming in the pool, or walking around the jog path. This takes them away from battery operated toys and gadgets building their social skills.
Have your own healthy me-time with a swim or two or run in the treadmill from the gym that most condominiums have. Also, condominiums are generally designed with a green community intention, with well-maintained lawns and beautiful trees creating a relaxing spot amidst the city life.
And while we’re on it, condominiums usually come up with events for condo neighbours to interact – Trick or treat, Easter egg hunt for kids and more.
More often than not, the community in condominium settings shares commonalities – peace loving, private individuals who respect small space. Given that there may be few interactions as families living in condominiums are busy working parents who are on the go, the fact is, your lives are separated by thin walls. With this, you become mindful of your immediate surroundings, makes effort to retain a friendly vibe to people you frequently cross path in halls, and keeps your condo clean at all times. These are necessary life skills you develop, model and impart to your children too.
5. Cost-reduction
Raising a family entails increase in expenses. Contrary to impressions, condo-living can surprisingly cut down some of your day to day expenses. For one, the accessibility of the condominium to schools and work place, cuts down gas or commute expense. The condo-provided amenities like swimming pool, play area and even gym ease the leisure and health budget. And because condominiums normally have in-house maintenance which is covered by the monthly association fees, condo repairs and maintenance becomes bearable– no need for dads to experiment especially if you are not the handyman type. Other major services previously mentioned also becomes a shared expense between tenants. With the rising cost of living nowadays, a little saving here and there put together creates great impact for the family.
As with any other life choices, finding a place to live depends on your priorities and your family’s way of life. Condo living teaches one to live a minimal, modern life. Whatever option you decide on, make a thoughtful choice to create one that meets your needs and character in order to enrich your family’s life. The key is finding what suits your values, personality and yes, budget. At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember even for modern families is that a home without love is neither a condo nor a house. As one song goes, “A home is a feeling and not just a place.”
Guest Writer: Tets Bermudez